Hi readers, I want to say thank you to all readers of my blogs, I do appreciate your stopping by, even though at times I fail to update my blogs. What else can I say, but to say thank you my faithful readers... I love you all.
Back to the business of the day, Today, I will be writing on "The Covenant of Marriage". We all know that these days, it is no longer news that couples get married and get out of marriage any time they are fed up of the marriage. It is so common these days, that people no longer try to make their marriage work, they change life partners like the way they change their wardrobes. Especially celebrities..( Forgive me If am wrong).
But you know what, from the beginning it was not so. God did not design marriage to be so from the beginning. God being a covenant keeper initiated marriage as a covenant relationship. When he created the world, He created Man, He saw that man was lonely, he decided to create woman for man not to be alone. Hence he initiated the first marriage on earth, in the Garden of Eden.
Marriage relationship is not a promise, (A promise is a verbal word or written declaration to do or not to do something. It has no condition attached to it.). Now, that marriage relationship is not a promise, one may now ask, what then is marriage relationship?.
A marriage relationship is a covenant.Get this clear, A covenant is a formal agreement that is legally bonded. It is a contractual agreement with witness. It is usually written and they are conditions attached to it,
Also, marriage covenant has characteristics, they are;
1) A marriage covenant is sealed with a blood: We all know that a covenant is usually sealed with blood or a sign, that' is exactly the same way a marriage covenant is sealed with a blood. Please get this right, I am not talking about the two parties cutting themselves and licking of their blood or taking blood oath. Originally, there is blood exchange when a man and a woman engaged in sexual intercourse. Have you ever wonder, why virgins bleed on their first sexual intercourse? that blood is suppose to mixed with the man semen. Also the man semen has a trace of blood inside, so when both parties meet there is exchange of blood during sex.
So from the explanation above, we can now see that God original plan is for a woman to give herself only to her husband, likewise the man save himself for his wife, but we all know that today, the reverse is the case. Everybody sleeps around with everybody... and get different sexual killer diseases... God help us!!!! I know many people will object to this( lol) please don't it is the truth..lol..
3) A marriage covenant transcends generations: Once you are married, History is made, a new generation is born.
4) Marriage covenant is usually written: There must be some visual representation, that means marriages must be formalized. Marriage is not two matured adults that decides to stay with each other and start having children with formalizing their marriage. There must be a marriage certificate to show that they are married. So for those of you cohabiting with your lovers in the name of love, please pack your bags and leave, only return, if the marriage has been formalized.
5) Marriage is for life; Marriage is for life, divorce is not an alternative. So before you marry anybody, please study the person very well, by courting the person. A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. The covenant of marriage should not be broken.There was no record that Adam, the first man on earth, divorce his wife, they were married till death came.
To be continued............ on next post.... comments and contributions are welcome.
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